Sony A7SIII Underwater Frogfish/躄魚(娃娃魚) Taiwan

Sony A7SIII Underwater Frogfish/躄魚(娃娃魚) Taiwan

這支影片我們拍攝於2021/台灣東北角,龍洞地區, 影片中海洋生物名叫: 躄魚, 俗稱:娃娃魚. 長相醜陋,長年底棲魚岩石或沙地上,甚少移動.

We shot this video in the 2021/Taiwan northeast corner of the Longdon area. The name of the marine creature in the film is: Frogfish.It looks ugly, long-term fish perches on rocks or sand, and rarely moves. We deliberately choose heavy dark music to express different feelings.

Camera:Sony A7SIII+ FE 90mm F2.8 G Macro OSS
Color Mode: HLG
Housing: Nauticam

 #Leodv  #曹杰  #里奧影像




#里奧影像 Leodv    #STC_Aqua_Rose  #OlympusTW   #TG6 #orcatorchD570_GL   #orcatorchD950V   #orcatorchD900V   #orcatorchD530v+Snoot   #orcatorchD910V

#A7SIII   #SEL90M28G   #Nauticam 



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